Technical Seo Checklist

Technical SEO helps search engines to find, access, crawl and index your website without any problems. The technical audit checklist includes multiple aspects in order to analyze and rank the technical parameters of the website content and structure.

It is called “technical” because it has nothing to do with the actual content of the website.


Here is your technical SEO checklist:

  1. Make your URLs SEO Friendly

Along with your title tag, link anchor text and the content, search engines use your webpage’s URL to understand your content. You need to check and make sure that ALL your website pages have SEO friendly URLs.

SEO friendly URLs have the following characteristics:

  • URLs are short and descriptive
  • URLs include relevant keywords
  • URLs use hyphens (-) to separate the words
  • Avoid Using Dates
  1. Install SSL Certificate

SSL ensures that any information shared between your website and server is secured and migrated your website to HTTPS, this is a top priority item in your to-do list.

Adding an SSL to your website is not enough for SEO purposes, you need to make sure that you do it correctly to avoid losing your current rankings.

  1. Optimize your robots.txt file

Robots.txt file resides in the root folder of your site and gives instructions to search engines as to which pages of your site they can crawl and index.

A misconfiguration in the robots.txt file can cause big errors or even de-indexing of your website from search engine results.

  1. Check ‘Coverage Report’ in Google Search Console

Visit the Coverage report in the Google search console and check for errors.

If there are any problems during the crawling and indexing phase then this is very bad for your SEO.

Digitizer is a leading SEO agency, Our team of SEO experts will help you with that.

  1. Improve the loading speed of your website

A slow website loses money and customers every second.

Loading speed is a known Google ranking factor and a very important user experience factor. you need to check and improve your website loading speed as much as possible.

  1. Optimize your site menu and structure

This is a mistake I see all the time when performing an SEO Audit.

The website menu should accurately reflect the website structure and A good site structure is no more than 3-4 levels deep.

  1. Add structured data to website

Schemas and structured data are nowadays very important for SEO.  They can help you enhance your website’s appearance in Google search results, they are good for local SEO.

Ensure that you define the following schemas:

  • Organization (For online business)
  • Local Business (For a physical presence)
  • Person (For a personal blog)


  1. Optimize your 404 Page

The 404 Page is shown when a page is not found on your site. This can be because users mistyped a URL or a page was deleted from your site.

You need to ensure that your 404 page is meaningful and gives alternative options to users to find what they are looking for.

This is how our 404 page looks like:

digitiger blog 4040 page

  1. Make sure that all comment links are ‘no-follow’

Comments are good for SEO and should be enabled on your blog but to avoid getting a Google penalty for ‘unnatural links’, all outgoing links need to be no-follow.

A no-follow link instructs search engines not to pass any PageRank to the target website. The easiest way to check is to use the INSPECT option of Google developers’ tools.

  1. Optimize your logo and favicon

Making sure that your logo is an image and not text and add ALT text with your logo.

When it comes to the use of favicon, make sure that your favicon is square in size.


A great digital marketing agency can ensure this technical SEO checklist is complete, Digitiger is a leading SEO agency in India. Our expert’s team of SEO professionals provides the services by applying best SEO strategies and techniques that deliver exceptional results.

Are you looking for an SEO audit of your website? You are just a click away – Contact Now


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