
Every great business begins with an idea. It starts a solution or service to solve for a problem or need, and a story behind what inspired it all.

Our favorite piece of advice to any entrepreneur is to build a brand, not just a business. & we are following the same in our digital marketing agency in pune – Digitiger

How do you build a great brand?

Branding is much more than just a cool logo or advertisement. You need to do more.

“branding doesn’t happen overnight or even in a few months”

Brand building is to generate awareness about your business using strategies and campaigns with the goal of creating a unique and lasting image in the marketplace.

Positive image + Standing out = Brand success

branding digitiger

Use these steps as a guide for how to build a great brand:


1. Discover the purpose behind your brand

Every successful brand has a powerful purpose behind it.

There are four questions you should ask yourself when defining a brand purpose:

  • What – the products or services you offer to your customers

  • How – the things that differentiate you from the competition

  • Why – the reason you are passionate and why you exist

Dig deep and find the answers of these questions which can distinguish your brand from others.

You will use these ideas to inform the foundation of your branding, through a tagline, slogan, messaging, stories, and more.


2. Research competitor brands

Research your main competitors or benchmark brands. you should be aware of what they do well or where they fail.

Study how well they have gone about building a brand name.

For a brand name to be effective, it needs to be easy for consumers to recognize and remember.


3. Create a brand logo & tagline

The most exciting and the most important part of the brand building process, is to create a brand logo and tagline for your company.

It will become your identity, calling card, and the visual recognition of your promise.

Hire a professional designer or branding agency with logo and identity design experience, to help make your brand stand out.

A strong brand style will include the following things:

  • Unique Iconography

  • Logo size and placement

  • Color palette

  • Typography and fonts


4. Identify your ideal audience

Keep in mind who exactly you are trying to reach. You’ll tailor your mission and message to meet their exact needs.

Identifying the target audience for your services or products is an exercise that will affect and benefit all areas of your brand building process, particularly marketing efforts. You want the right person consuming your content or clicking on your ads etc.

Here are a few of the things to document when describing your ideal customer:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Income

  • Education


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5. Outline the unique qualities & benefits

Starting a brand that is memorable means you dig deep to figure out what you offer, and no one else is offering.

Focus on the qualities and benefits that make your company branding unique.

Here are a few examples:

  • Time saving on daily tasks

  • Authentic and transparent customer service

  • Reducing costs with an affordable option


6. Establish a brand voice

If you use the correct brand voice, you have the strongest chance of connecting with consumers. It’s how you communicate with your customers, and how they respond to you.

A brand voice could be:

  • Educational or inspirational

  • Formal or more casual

  • Service oriented

  • Technical

  • Promotional

This is very important when publishing blog articles or social media posts. Maintaining a consistent voice will help your brand image become recognized on multiple channels in the same way.


7. Build a brand story

People who are actively engaged online are attracted to brands and businesses that are using these mediums to tell stories that their target customers can relate to.

When creating a brand story, address not what your product can do…but why it is important to your customer.

Share stories designed to attract your ideal audience and then curate your content around these storylines to attract lasting followers and turn them into paying customers.

Remember, building an impactful and memorable brand isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time and it can be simplified by walking through these steps to clearing know what your brand is meant to share with the world.

We are More than just a Digital Marketing Agency, We help businesses from all over the world stand out from the crowd and attract more and better clients, higher profits & engagement.

Let’s build an outstanding brand together – Contact Now


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